The Perfect Smoothie Bowl For That Time of the Month

By: Caroline Zappas

The dreaded period. Whenever it comes, it comes with a myriad of unpleasant symptoms, mood swings, cramping, fatigue, bloating, and that’s not even an exhaustive list. (Mayo Clinic, 2022). What some women don’t know is we can combat these symptoms with our diet! By increasing our consumption of fiber and iron during those dreadful five to ten days, you can decrease the likelihood of experiencing the painful  symptoms that coincide with getting your period. As cramping and bloating typically cause  constipation, increasing the amount of fiber in your diet can help alleviate some of these symptoms. Research shows that women should try to eat at least 21-25 grams of fiber each day to ensure their digestive tract continues to function properly (Mayo Clinic, 2021). The staple ingredients of the recipe below - raspberries, dates, and chia seeds - are all foods that are exceptionally high in fiber, making this smoothie bowl the perfect period-pick-me-up snack!

Additionally, fatigue is one of the side effects of having a low amount of iron in your blood, which can potentially occur during menstruation (Cleveland Clinic, 2020). Adding foods that are high in iron to your diet, such as dark leafy greens, can help maintain a normal level of  iron in the blood. It is recommended for women to get 18 milligrams of iron a day compared to only 8 milligrams for men (Cleveland Clinic, 2020). It is also recommended to eat a source of iron paired with a source of vitamin C as it helps your body absorb iron efficiently. Spinach, orange juice, and strawberries are ingredients in the recipe that, when combined, will ensure iron is absorbed well and assists the body in circulating oxygen. Food truly is the best medicine!

Time: 15 min

Yields 1 serving



1 banana

1 cup raspberries (fresh or frozen)

½ cup strawberries (fresh or frozen)

4 dates, pitted

1 tablespoon chia seeds 

1 cup spinach 

Splash of orange juice





1.     Gather the ingredients and assemble your blender. 

2.     Place half the banana, raspberries, strawberries, dates, spinach, and splash of orange juice in the blender and blend on high until smooth.

3.     While blending, slice the other half of the banana.

4.     Pour the smoothie mixture to a bowl and top with the other half of the banana and chia seeds. 

5.     Enjoy!



Cleveland Clinic. (2020). How to add foods that are high in iron to your diet. Cleveland Clinic.

Mayo Clinic. (2021). How much fiber is found in common foods? Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

Mayo Clinic. (2022). Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.





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